Eagle Bear Inc. v. Blackfeet Indian Nation

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Case Number:




Nature of Suit:

Rent Lease & Ejectment


Brian Morris


Government Agencies

  1. February 28, 2024

    Court Will Hear Arguments In Camp Operator's Bond Dispute

    A Montana federal judge will hear arguments next month to determine whether a campground operator can pay a bond in cash as opposed to a third-party surety that will allow it to stay the case over a lease dispute with the Blackfeet Nation pending an appeal to the Ninth Circuit.

  2. February 12, 2024

    Judge Amends Camp Operator's $1M Surety Bond Order

    A federal district judge has agreed to modify a Montana campground operator's $1 million surety bond stay order pending an appeal to the Ninth Circuit, saying the company's proposed substitution of its projected net income for 2024 raises questions about its reported principal income.

  3. January 24, 2024

    Campground Operator Must Pay $1M Bond, Judge Says

    A Montana campground operator has until early March to post a $1 million surety bond, a federal district court judge determined while rejecting the company's bid to cut the amount in half pending an appeal to the Ninth Circuit.

  4. January 19, 2024

    Camp Operator Wants $1M Surety Bond Order Cut In Half

    A Montana campground operator is asking a federal judge to cut nearly in half a $1 million surety bond order that would allow a stay to remain in place, saying the amount far exceeds any potential impact on the Blackfeet Nation in a long-running land lease dispute.

  5. January 10, 2024

    Montana Camp Must Pay $1M Bond To Stay Tribal Lease Order

    A Montana campground operator must post a $1 million surety bond to allow a stay to remain in place while it appeals a ruling to the Ninth Circuit in favor of the Blackfeet Nation in an ongoing land lease dispute, a federal district court judge said, determining that the company presented a "substantial case for relief on the merits."

  6. January 05, 2024

    Stay Would Let Camp Co. Keep Reaping Millions, Tribe Says

    The Blackfeet Nation is urging a Montana federal judge to reject a campground operator's bid to stay a ruling that its lease was canceled 15 years ago, arguing the company is only trying to keep unlawfully occupying and profiting from its land.

  7. December 21, 2023

    Montana Camp Operator Seeks Stay In Tribal Lease Dispute

    A Montana campground operator is asking a federal district court for a stay on an order that found in favor of the Blackfeet Indian Nation in a decadelong land lease dispute, saying the ruling will likely cause it to liquidate its assets before an appeal on the issue is resolved.

  8. June 26, 2023

    Camp Co. Says Tribe Tries To 'Rewrite History' Over Lease

    A campground operator urged a Montana federal judge to reject the Blackfeet Indian Nation's attempt to distort history in a dispute over a lease for tribal trust land, saying internal emails recently obtained from the Bureau of Indian Affairs prove the lease was never canceled.

  9. May 22, 2023

    BIA Must Deliver Emails In Tribal Lease Suit, Mont. Judge Says

    A Montana federal judge has warned the Bureau of Indian Affairs that it must comply with an order forcing it to hand over emails relevant to a campground operator's dispute over a lease with the Blackfeet Indian Nation, though he noted some emails sought by the operator are irrelevant.

  10. May 12, 2023

    Campsite Wants More Time For Discovery In Tribal Lease Row

    The operator of a campground within the Blackfeet Indian Nation's reservation defended its bid for additional time to complete discovery in litigation over its campground lease with the tribe, telling a Montana federal judge more time is needed to comb through a trove of Bureau of Indian Affairs emails.