United States of America et al v. Consumer Law Protection, LLC et al

  1. February 02, 2024

    Timeshare Exec Can't Escape Missouri Fraud Suit

    A Missouri federal judge said an executive of a company accused of fraudulently making $90 million in a timeshare exit service scheme can't seek dismissal for a second time because he already had the chance to make his arguments.

  2. January 30, 2023

    Timeshare Exit Execs Move To Dodge FTC, Wis. Fraud Suit

    Two people and a trust have moved to shake a lawsuit from the Federal Trade Commission and the state of Wisconsin accusing them and a series of other parties of pitching fraudulent timeshare exit services and pocketing more than $90 million.

  3. November 21, 2022

    FTC, Wisconsin Sue Over Fraudulent Timeshare Exit Scheme

    The Federal Trade Commission and the state of Wisconsin say an interconnected web of companies, trusts and individuals deceived consumers out of more than $90 million by pressuring them into a contract to get out of timeshares, in violation of federal and Wisconsin law.