Jones v. Davis, et al

  1. March 13, 2024

    Cowboys Owner Defeats Alleged Daughter In Defamation Suit

    The remaining portion of the defamation case filed against Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones last year by a woman claiming to be his daughter was tossed Wednesday by a Texas federal judge, who sided with Jones' claim that references to the woman's actions as a "shakedown attempt" did not constitute malice or reckless disregard for the truth.

  2. December 12, 2023

    Judge To Hear Cowboys' Jones, Reps On Tossing Defamation Suit

    Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has a date in Texas federal court to argue — again — for the dismissal of a lawsuit alleging his representatives defamed a woman who claims to be his daughter by telling a news organization she repeatedly pressed him for money.

  3. November 29, 2023

    Cowboys' Jerry Jones Facing Beefed-Up Defamation Claims

    A woman who claims to be the daughter of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has resurrected her defamation lawsuit in Texas federal court, adding more details about how he and other defendants embarked on a planned and calculated campaign to smear her.

  4. October 31, 2023

    Cowboys' Jerry Jones Defeats Defamation Claims, For Now

    A Texas federal judge threw out a lawsuit accusing Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones of defaming a woman who claims to be his daughter, dismissing the bulk of her claims but giving her the opportunity to amend her allegation that statements made in an ESPN article were defamatory.

  5. September 22, 2023

    Off The Bench: MSU Coach, Olympian Abuse, DC Stadium Bill

    This week's Off The Bench features a college football coach accused of sexual harassment fighting to keep his job, an Olympic medalist claiming that a U.S. team doctor sexually assaulted her, and Congress helping the nation's capital potentially lure back a beloved NFL team.

  6. September 19, 2023

    Jerry Jones Can't Get Discovery Pause In Defamation Suit

    A Texas federal judge denied Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones' request to halt discovery in a defamation suit by a young woman who claims to be his daughter, with both sides later telling the court they have not agreed to mediate their dispute, but continue to negotiate and consider mediation "a valuable option."

  7. June 12, 2023

    Jerry Jones Distorting Alleged Daughter's Claims, She Says

    A woman claiming to be the daughter of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones implored a Texas federal court not to drop her defamation claims against Jones, saying the arguments in his motion to dismiss were "based on mischaracterizations" of her allegations.

  8. May 30, 2023

    Jerry Jones Wants Defamation Suit Over Paternity Tossed

    Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones wants a defamation suit lodged by a woman claiming to be his daughter tossed, arguing in counterclaims that she broke a confidentiality agreement by filing the lawsuit publicly and disclosing certain terms of that agreement.

  9. March 28, 2023

    Jerry Jones Accused Of Defamation Over Paternity Suit

    A woman who claims to be the daughter of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has lodged a defamation suit against him and others in Texas federal court, accusing them of initiating a "deliberate plan" and scheme to publicly defame her by painting her as an "extortionist" who is only demanding money.