1. April 22, 2024

    Judge Trims Claims In HUD Housing Conversion Suit

    A D.C. federal judge didn't fully side with either party in a suit over the conversion of a Louisiana public housing development into Section 8 housing, but did vacate the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's decision to close and convert the project.

  2. January 22, 2024

    HUD Takes Another Shot At Ending Housing Conversion Suit

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development has urged a Washington, D.C., federal court for the second time to grant it an early win in a lawsuit alleging the agency didn't follow its own rule-making process when it approved converting a Louisiana apartment development to Section 8 housing.

  3. November 27, 2023

    Louisiana Residents Seek Early Win In HUD Conversion Fight

    The residents of a Louisiana apartment development set to be turned into Section 8 housing sought an early win in a suit arguing the government didn't follow its own rule-making process when approving the conversion.

  4. October 24, 2023

    HUD Seeks Early Win In Louisiana Housing Conversion Suit

    The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development wants a quick end to a lawsuit brought against it in D.C. federal court that alleges the agency unlawfully converted a Louisiana development into Section 8 housing, contending it had the right to complete the conversion.

  5. July 27, 2023

    Judge Won't Grant Early Halt in Housing Conversion Suit

    A Washington, D.C., federal judge tossed a group of tenants' motion for a preliminary injunction in a suit claiming the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development violated federal law by converting their building into a Section 8 development.

  6. May 04, 2023

    HUD Sued Over 'Arbitrary' Housing Conversion Approval

    A group of tenants from a predominantly Black public housing development near New Orleans say the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's "arbitrary" decision to convert their building into a Section 8 development violated federal law, alleging they have been displaced into crime-infested areas.