1. March 01, 2024

    Easement Cases To Put IRS-Hired Appraisers Under Scrutiny

    Some partnerships challenging the denial of tax deductions for conservation easement donations are mounting a new attack on the IRS' push to enforce the transactions with claims that the agency's multimillion-dollar contracts with third-party appraisal firms compel them to be biased toward the government. 

  2. February 28, 2024

    GOP Reps. Press IRS On Backdating Forms In Easement Case

    Two House Republican tax writers pressed the Internal Revenue Service for details on how it would prevent agency employees from inappropriately backdating official tax documents after the agency admitted last year to doing so in a high-profiled suit involving conservation easement penalty forms.

  3. August 22, 2023

    Tax Court Orders IRS To Investigate Penalty Doc Backdating

    A U.S. Tax Court judge ordered the IRS on Tuesday to find out when its employees, including from the Office of Chief Counsel, became aware that a penalty document in a $38 million easement case had been backdated.

  4. June 26, 2023

    IRS Resists Sanctions In $38M Easement Dispute In Tax Court

    The IRS admitted that its trial team in a $38 million conservation easement deduction case made mistakes in submitting evidence to the U.S. Tax Court that turned out to be inaccurate, but those errors don't rise to the level of fraud warranting punishment by the court, the agency said.

  5. June 10, 2023

    Partnership Asks To Force IRS To Say More On Backdated Doc

    A partnership seeking sanctions against the IRS for giving the U.S. Tax Court backdated evidence in a fight over $38 million in conservation easement deductions asked the court to order the agency to reveal whether agency attorneys knew the evidence was inaccurate and covered it up.

  6. June 01, 2023

    IRS Accused Of Coverup In Conservation Deductions Dispute

    A partnership challenging more than $38 million in slashed deductions for its donation of Georgia conservation land sued the IRS in a D.C. federal court for failing to release records related to what it calls the coverup of a backdated penalty document.