432 FF&E LLC

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New York Eastern

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  1. January 25, 2024

    Macklowe Lender Blasts Ch. 11 Bid To Stall Loan Repayment

    A lender seeking to foreclose on real estate mogul Harry Macklowe's three condo units in a Manhattan tower he developed dismissed as "transparently baseless" a claim that it failed to properly secure its financial interest in the apartments, as it seeks dismissal of his Ch. 11 case.

  2. October 11, 2023

    Macklowe Affiliates Seek Ch. 11 To Protect Condos

    Affiliates of real estate mogul Harry Macklowe filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday to retain control of three apartments at his 432 Park Ave. luxury tower, the day after a Manhattan judge ruled that he cannot arbitrate a defaulted loan for the condo units from his development partner CIM Group.