C.J. Segerstrom and Sons v. Lexington Insurance Company et al

  1. November 21, 2023

    Insurer Exits Calif. Mall's $5M COVID Row, Leaving AIG Unit

    An insurer for an upscale Southern California mall has agreed with the mall's owner to settle its involvement in a coverage fight over $5 million in COVID-19 pandemic closure losses, leaving an AIG unit to fend for itself on the remaining claims.

  2. March 01, 2023

    AIG Unit Must Face Calif. Mall's $5M COVID Coverage Suit

    An AIG unit can't escape a lawsuit brought by the owner of a luxury Orange County mall seeking coverage for over $5 million in COVID-19 pandemic closure losses, a California federal judge said Tuesday, saying a "pollution and contamination" policy exclusion didn't block the business' claims.