Dental Health Services Inc et al v. Miller et al

  1. June 06, 2024

    Wash. Judge Suggests Insurer Dragged Out IP Dispute

    A Washington federal judge appeared unconvinced Thursday by a dental health insurer's argument that it acted honestly in pushing forward with trade secret claims even after the accused ex-employee returned her company-issued laptop that purportedly held sensitive information.

  2. March 04, 2024

    Insurer Wants Trade Secret Suit Dropped Sans Atty Fee Award

    A dental health insurer asked a Washington federal judge on Monday to toss its trade secret claims against an ex-executive without leeway for her to request legal fees, arguing that she can't be considered a winning party because she handed over a company laptop after being hit with the suit.

  3. April 07, 2023

    Dental Insurer Can't Get TRO In Trade Secrets Suit

    A Seattle federal judge has denied a dental health insurer's bid for a temporary restraining order and expedited discovery in its case against two former company officials it says stole client lists to help competitors, finding the insurer was too vague in describing what it claimed were trade secrets.

  4. March 17, 2023

    Dental Insurer Claims Duo Took Trade Secrets To Competitor

    A dental health insurer is suing two former company officials, accusing them of stealing client lists and other proprietary information to help competitors outbid the company for contracts in Washington and Oregon.