Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's, London et al v. Edcouch Elsa Independent School District

  1. April 08, 2024

    Texas School District Not Immune In Arbitration Row

    A Texas school district isn't immune from a lawsuit by its insurers seeking to appoint an umpire in a $10 million hurricane damage dispute, a New York federal court ruled Monday, finding the district doesn't meet the standards set under the 11th Amendment.

  2. November 30, 2023

    Insurers Say Texas School's Storm Arbitration Belongs In NY

    Insurers for a Texas public school district urged a New York federal judge not to toss their petition asking the court to appoint an umpire in a $10 million hurricane damage dispute, saying the court has jurisdiction over the matter per the parties' arbitration agreement.

  3. November 14, 2023

    Texas School District Says NY Court Can't Pick Arbitrator

    A rural Texas public school district asked a New York federal court not to appoint an arbitration umpire for its more than $10 million hurricane damage dispute from its insurers' list of recommended candidates, claiming the insurers have refused to consider cheaper options outside the Empire State.