USA v. Colburn, et al

  1. September 10, 2021

    Loughlin Film Trip Greenlighted By 'Varsity Blues' Judge

    Actress and "Varsity Blues" convict Lori Loughlin is heading to Canada for a film gig, winning a Boston federal judge's approval on Friday for the international travel request during her post-prison term of supervised release, just days before co-defendants in the college admissions case head to trial.

  2. September 10, 2021

    'Varsity Blues' Mastermind Not Expected To Testify At Trial

    The mastermind behind the "Varsity Blues" college admissions scheme is not expected to take the stand during the high-profile case's first trial, federal prosecutors revealed Friday.

  3. September 09, 2021

    'Varsity Blues' Judge Seals Jury Selection, Stoking Criticism

    Jury empanelment in the high-profile "Varsity Blues" college admissions case took place behind closed doors Thursday as a judge shut off both in-person and remote access, an unusual decision that First Amendment attorneys say runs afoul of U.S. Supreme Court precedent.

  4. September 08, 2021

    Feds Don't Want 'Varsity Blues' Families 'Introduced' To Jury

    Family members of parents going on trial over the "Varsity Blues" scandal should be sequestered during opening statements, federal prosecutors have urged, adding that these family members also should not be "introduced" during opening statements because doing so would only appeal to jurors' sympathies.

  5. September 07, 2021

    'Varsity Blues' Parents Say Feds Tried To Bully Witnesses

    "Varsity Blues" prosecutors attempted to bully a group of witnesses in the college admissions scheme into not sitting for interviews with the defense, according to a filing Tuesday by two parents who are leveling new misconduct claims ahead of their trial scheduled for next week.

  6. August 31, 2021

    'Varsity Blues' Parents Say Zoom Trial Will Stir 'Media Frenzy'

    Two parents set for trial in the "Varsity Blues" college admission scandal asked a Massachusetts federal judge on Monday not to live stream the proceedings, claiming the broadcast would whip up a "media frenzy" and spoil their shot at a fair trial.

  7. August 26, 2021

    'Varsity Blues' Parent Cops To Fraud Charge Ahead Of Trial

    A California woman charged in the "Varsity Blues" college admissions case admitted Thursday to bribing her son's way into the University of California as a fake football recruit, becoming the 33rd parent to cop to federal charges in the high-profile prosecution.

  8. August 24, 2021

    'Varsity Blues' Trial Pared Down As Another Parent Takes Deal

    Just weeks before she was slated to face a jury, the CEO of a California liquor distributor on Tuesday struck a plea deal in the "Varsity Blues" college admissions case that calls for her to spend six weeks in prison.

  9. August 20, 2021

    Shaky Credibility May Bench 'Varsity Blues' Star Witness

    The first trial stemming from the "Varsity Blues" college admissions scandal could come down to whether jurors believe scheme mastermind Rick Singer — if prosecutors decide to call him at all.

  10. August 18, 2021

    First 'Varsity Blues' Trial To Forge Ahead Despite Virus Surge

    The first trial in the "Varsity Blues" college admissions case will kick off in September despite a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases caused by the coronavirus's delta variant, a Massachusetts federal judge confirmed during a Wednesday hearing, as the question of whether the scheme's mastermind will take the stand loomed.