Food and Drug Administration, et al., Petitioners v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, et al.

  1. January 01, 2024

    5 Supreme Court Cases To Watch This Spring

    "Blockbuster," "momentous" and "historic" are all words that have been used to describe the U.S. Supreme Court's current term as the justices prepare for a spring docket jam-packed with questions over the level of deference courts should give federal agencies, whether and how social media companies should be regulated and whether government efforts to combat misinformation crosses the line between persuasion and coercion.

  2. January 01, 2024

    Appellate Outlook: Circuit Splits & Hot Topics To Track In 2024

    The 2024 appellate almanac is looking lively after eye-popping opinions and arguments in 2023's homestretch. As the new year begins, several circuit splits seem more serious, ideological imbalances are in the spotlight, and luminaries of the U.S. Supreme Court bar are locked in a burgeoning battle over alleged corporate complicity in terrorism.

  3. December 13, 2023

    Supreme Court To Consider Fight Over Abortion Medication

    The U.S. Supreme Court said Wednesday that it would review a dispute over the abortion medication mifepristone, setting up a high court battle over a lower court judge's extraordinary decision to block the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decades-old approval of the drug.

  4. December 09, 2023

    Circuit-By-Circuit Guide To 2023's Most Memorable Moments

    A former BigLaw partner in his 30s made history by joining a preeminent circuit court, a former BigLaw partner in his 50s made waves by leaving the largest circuit, and a former chemist in her 90s made enemies by resisting a probe on the most specialized circuit. That's a small sample of the intrigue that flourished in 2023 throughout the federal appellate system, where diversity bloomed and controversy abounded.

  5. November 22, 2023

    Mifepristone Ruling Risks 'Profound Disruption,' Justices Told

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration told the U.S. Supreme Court that a Fifth Circuit decision limiting access to the abortion medication mifepristone could create "profound disruption" for patients and medical professionals, joining a distributor of the drug in urging the justices to review the "unprecedented" decision.

  6. November 16, 2023

    Anti-Abortion Lawmakers Urge Justices To Skip Pill Ruling

    A strong showing for abortion rights on Election Day did not dissuade 109 GOP lawmakers from asking the U.S. Supreme Court to pass on reviewing a Fifth Circuit decision that would curb access to the abortion drug mifepristone.

  7. November 08, 2023

    Justices Told To Ignore Group's Take On Abortion Pill OK

    The federal government and a distributor of the abortion pill mifepristone urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reject an organization's argument over its challenge to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of the medication, saying that millions of women have used it to safely terminate pregnancies.

  8. October 17, 2023

    Abortion Foes Ask For Full Review Or Nothing In Drug Appeal

    Anti-abortion activists are telling the U.S. Supreme Court that if the justices review parts of a Fifth Circuit ruling reinstating the approval of an abortion medication, they should consider the entire case.

  9. October 13, 2023

    Supreme Court Deluged With Calls To Hear Abortion Pill Battle

    Politicians, doctors, legal professors and pharmaceutical companies have turned out en masse to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to review a Fifth Circuit panel's decision that would significantly curb access to the abortion medication mifepristone nationwide, attacking the ruling as deeply flawed and warning of its potentially seismic effects beyond abortion access.

  10. September 08, 2023

    Justices Urged To Hear Fight Over Abortion Pill Restrictions

    The U.S. Department of Justice and a distributor of the abortion medication mifepristone urged the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday to review a Fifth Circuit decision that threatens to curb access to the drug, marking the latest chapter in the national battle over abortion access following Roe v. Wade's reversal.