USA v. Webb et al

  1. January 18, 2023

    Fox Exec Paid $30M In Soccer Bribes, Star Witness Says

    A key cooperator in the U.S. government's FIFA corruption probe took the stand in New York federal court Wednesday, testifying that he conspired with a former 21st Century Fox executive to pay at least $30 million in bribes to international soccer bosses.

  2. January 17, 2023

    Ex-Fox Execs Call Witness Vengeful As FIFA Bribe Trial Opens

    A trial in the U.S. government's international soccer corruption probe opened in Brooklyn federal court Tuesday with a focus on the credibility of a key cooperator and defense lawyers claiming two former 21st Century Fox executives are the target of a revenge plot.

  3. January 13, 2023

    FIFA Bribe Prosecutors Face Tougher Odds As 2nd Trial Starts

    Five years after two international soccer bosses were convicted of taking millions of dollars in bribes, three more defendants face trial for supposedly making the illicit payments — a side of the sprawling FIFA corruption case experts say might be harder to prove.

  4. January 05, 2023

    Soccer Corruption Prosecutors Allowed To Say 'Bribe' At Trial

    A Brooklyn federal judge has sided with prosecutors in arguments over whether they can say "bribe" and "victim" in an upcoming trial against Argentinian sports marketing company Full Play Group SA and two former Fox Sports executives accused of bribing CONMEBOL, the South American soccer governing body. 

  5. December 05, 2022

    Ex-Fox Sports Execs Can Get Perkins Coie Docs In FIFA Case

    Two former Fox Sports executives caught up in the FIFA corruption scandal can subpoena Perkins Coie LLP and PwC in search of documents the men say could aid their defense, a New York federal judge has ruled.

  6. December 01, 2022

    FIFA Prosecutors Fight Bid To Subpoena PwC, Perkins Coie

    Federal prosecutors have asked a court to reject requests by two former Fox Sports executives embroiled in the FIFA corruption scandal to subpoena PwC and Perkins Coie LLP in search of a client's documents, saying that the last-minute motions would delay their upcoming bribery trial in Brooklyn.

  7. November 28, 2022

    Ex-Fox Execs Say Key Docs Withheld In FIFA Bribery Case

    Two former Fox Sports executives embroiled in the FIFA corruption scandal are seeking documents from PwC and Perkins Coie LLP that they argue will bolster their defense at their upcoming trial on bribery charges in Brooklyn federal court.

  8. September 29, 2022

    Ex-Salvadoran Soccer Head Gets 16 Months In FIFA Case

    A Brooklyn federal judge sentenced a former top soccer official from El Salvador to 16 months in prison Thursday for facilitating bribes between a sports marketer and the Central American country's Federacion Salvadorena de Futbol in the FIFA corruption case.

  9. September 27, 2022

    Feds Want 2 Years For Ex-Salvadoran Soccer Head For Bribery

    Brooklyn federal prosecutors said the former head of the Salvadoran soccer federation should serve between 24 and 30 months in prison for "remarkably bold and ruthless behavior" in a racketeering scheme, in which Salvadoran soccer officials allegedly took bribes from a sports marketing company in exchange for granting lucrative marketing contracts.

  10. May 27, 2022

    FIFA Case Enters Year 7 With Extradition Asterisks

    Seven years after the first indictment in the U.S. government's corruption probe of international soccer, Brooklyn federal prosecutors have convicted 16 defendants and are gearing up to bring three more to trial next year. But a third of the 34 people charged haven't been extradited, and experts say it's unclear they ever will be.