USA v. Webb et al

  1. April 10, 2020

    Ex-Soccer Boss Denied Early Release, Bail Still On The Table

    A New York federal judge on Friday declined to grant a compassionate early release from prison in light of the COVID-19 pandemic to former South American soccer confederation president Juan Angel Napout, but left open the possibility of letting him out on bail pending appeal of his FIFA bribery conviction.

  2. April 09, 2020

    Ex-Fox Execs Deny New Charges In FIFA Bribery Case

    Two former 21st Century Fox executives on Thursday denied a host of new charges in the sprawling FIFA corruption probe that accuse them of leveraging their involvement in a scheme to bribe South American soccer officials to help the media giant secure broadcasting rights to the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

  3. April 06, 2020

    Former Fox Execs Charged In FIFA Bribery Case

    Brooklyn federal prosecutors on Monday charged two former 21st Century Fox executives in the sprawling FIFA corruption probe, accusing them of leveraging their involvement in a scheme to bribe South American soccer officials to help the media giant secure broadcasting rights to the 2018 and 2022 World Cups.

  4. March 30, 2020

    Ex-Soccer Boss Gets Early Prison Release Amid Virus Fears

    A New York federal judge on Monday granted former Brazilian soccer federation president Jose Maria Marin an early release from prison, citing in part his health risks amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

  5. January 21, 2020

    Ex-Broadcast Exec Dodges Prison In FIFA Bribery Case

    A Brazilian former broadcasting executive on Tuesday was spared any time in prison for facilitating a scheme to bribe FIFA-connected soccer officials to award media rights to various Latin American soccer tournaments, in light of his extensive cooperation with the U.S. government.

  6. January 15, 2020

    Brazilian Broadcast Exec Seeks Probation For FIFA Bribes

    An 80-year-old Brazilian ex-broadcasting executive is asking for a sentence of time served plus probation for his role in a bribery scheme, telling a New York federal court his health will suffer if he is sent to prison.

  7. March 13, 2019

    Ex-Guatemalan Soccer Boss Should Pay $1.5M In Fees: Feds

    The former Guatemalan soccer federation president should pay $1.5 million to cover attorneys' fees for CONCACAF, the soccer federation for North and Central America and the Caribbean, after he avoided further jail time by pleading guilty to taking bribes, prosecutors said Wednesday.

  8. February 11, 2019

    2 Convicted In FIFA Scandal Urge 2nd Circ. To Reverse

    Two former South American soccer officials convicted for their roles in the FIFA bribery scandal have asked the Second Circuit to overturn their convictions, with one saying the U.S. had no authority to prosecute him and the other arguing the trial court made numerous mistakes.

  9. February 01, 2019

    Ex-FIFA Official Says He Never Hid Bond Money That Wasn't His

    Attorneys for a former South American soccer official convicted in the FIFA corruption probe said he never hid that a large portion of the $20 million he posted to secure his supervised release during trial was not his, arguing the funds should be released back to his family. 

  10. January 28, 2019

    Feds Fight Former FIFA Exec's Bond Bid In Corruption Case

    Prosecutors have asked a New York federal court to limit how much cash a former South American soccer official can pull from a cash bond that secured his supervised release during trial, saying that he had never before claimed the money was anyone's but his own.