Diaz et al v. Tesla, Inc. et al

  1. March 31, 2023

    Black Ex-Tesla Worker Seeks $159M For Harassment In Retrial

    Counsel for a Black ex-Tesla worker who a California federal jury found was subjected to racial harassment urged a different jury Friday to award him $159 million, saying he "should receive millions and millions of dollars for what he went through."

  2. March 30, 2023

    Tesla Atty Attacks Black Ex-Worker's Credibility In Bias Case

    A Tesla lawyer cast doubt Thursday on the credibility of a Black ex-worker who a jury found was subjected to racial harassment, suggesting at a damages retrial in California that the plaintiff had written his own doctor's note to get out of work and hammering him about inconsistencies in his testimony.

  3. March 29, 2023

    Black Ex-Tesla Worker Tearfully Recounts Racism At Factory

    A Black former Tesla worker testifying in a damages retrial broke down in tears before a San Francisco federal jury on Wednesday while describing incidents of racial harassment he experienced at a Tesla factory, saying that encouraging his son to get a job there is "one of the biggest regrets of my life."

  4. March 29, 2023

    4 Takeaways As Tesla, Black Worker Battle Over Damages

    An ongoing damages retrial in the case of a Black worker who wouldn't accept a sharply lowered award in his race discrimination suit against Tesla will likely yield lessons about the risks of refusing a reduced win, as well as how damages should be calculated. Here's a look at what attorneys have learned — and expect to learn — from the closely watched battle.

  5. March 28, 2023

    Tesla Atty Warned About 'Back Door' Docs By Bias Trial Judge

    The California federal judge overseeing a damages retrial in a discrimination case won by a Black Tesla ex-subcontractor warned the company's counsel Tuesday about bringing documents into the case "around the back door," after an attorney tried to impeach a witness by using an email not disclosed during discovery.

  6. March 27, 2023

    Ex-Tesla Worker's Atty Argues 'Plantation Mentality' In Retrial

    Counsel for a Black ex-Tesla worker who won a $137 million discrimination verdict against the automaker delivered openings Monday in a damages retrial, ordered after the overseeing judge found the jury's award excessive, telling a new California federal jury that the factory where he worked had a "plantation mentality."

  7. March 24, 2023

    Tesla Judge To Shield Jury Pool From Extreme Views In Retrial

    The California federal judge overseeing an upcoming damages retrial in a discrimination case won by a Black ex-subcontractor against Tesla granted the company's request on Friday to have prospective jurors with "extreme" views about Tesla or CEO Elon Musk questioned separately so they won't "pollute" others in the jury pool.

  8. February 27, 2023

    Tesla Wants Feces Evidence Nixed From Racial Bias Retrial

    Tesla fought to exclude evidence of harm to other workers from a damages retrial in a California federal discrimination case won by a Black ex-subcontractor, arguing Monday that an incident involving feces on the seat of a co-worker's factory cart was too dissimilar to harm the plaintiff allegedly suffered.

  9. December 07, 2022

    Tesla Can't Get New Liability Trial After Losing Racial Bias Suit

    A California federal judge on Wednesday denied Tesla's bid for a new trial on liability in a Black ex-subcontractor's racial discrimination suit, saying an upcoming retrial would focus only on damages after the plaintiff refused to accept a judge's reducing the jury's $137 million award to $15 million.

  10. November 07, 2022

    Black Ex-Worker Says Tesla Retrial Should Stick To Damages

    A Black ex-Tesla employee who refused to accept a $15 million award after initially winning a $137 million jury verdict in his race bias case against the company told a federal court that an upcoming retrial must focus only on how much Tesla owes, rather than if it's liable for discrimination.