New York State Teamsters Confe v. C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc.

  1. June 01, 2022

    Teamsters Fund Urges High Court To Take Up Pension Dispute

    A Teamsters pension fund asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to overturn a Second Circuit ruling allowing a wholesale grocer to avoid paying it $58 million, arguing that the appeals court's ruling misinterpreted federal laws designed to prevent employers from using corporate transactions to skirt liability.

  2. February 11, 2022

    Teamsters Fund Wants 2nd Circ. Redo In $58M ERISA Dispute

    A Teamsters pension fund has asked the Second Circuit to rethink allowing a wholesale grocer to avoid paying it $58 million, saying the court failed to properly apply a section of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act designed to prevent employers from using corporate transactions to skirt payment liability.

  3. January 27, 2022

    2nd Circ. Says Grocer Doesn't Owe $58M To Union Fund

    The Second Circuit on Thursday upheld a lower court ruling that a wholesale grocer was not responsible for a $58 million payment to a Teamsters pension fund, ruling the grocer wasn't a successor to the now-bankrupt company that operated the warehouse where the union members worked.

  4. November 06, 2020

    Grocer Tells 2nd Circ. It Doesn't Owe $58M To Union Fund

    A wholesale grocer urged the Second Circuit to uphold a lower court ruling that found it not responsible for a $58 million payment to a Teamsters' pension fund, arguing it was not the successor to the company that operated the warehouse where the union members worked.