WILLIAMS et al v. WALSH et al

  1. September 07, 2022

    DOL, DHS Seek Win In H-2B Prevailing Wage Suit

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Labor urged a federal judge in D.C. to grant their motion for summary judgment in a lawsuit filed by employees of a Louisiana crawfish plant who say that the H-2B guest worker program is driving down their pay.

  2. August 16, 2022

    DOL Wants H-2B Suit Cut, Citing Crawfish Season's End

    The U.S. Department of Labor has asked a D.C. federal judge to further trim a lawsuit by employees of a Louisiana crawfish plant, saying the end of the crawfish season also meant their H-2B wage rule challenge ended.

  3. January 27, 2022

    Labor Must Face Trimmed H-2B Wage Rule Challenge

    A D.C. federal judge nixed claims in a lawsuit brought by Louisiana crawfish peelers who say the H-2B guest worker program is driving down their pay by allowing employers to submit their own prevailing wage data rather than using figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.