Bennett v. Cuomo et al

  1. March 15, 2023

    Former Cuomo Aide Hits NY With Sexual Harassment Suit

    A former aide whose sexual harassment allegations against ex-New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo helped lead to his resignation on Wednesday sued the state of New York, alleging she was forced to resign after Cuomo subjected her to sexual innuendo, and her work environment became "intolerable."

  2. February 15, 2023

    Cuomo Fails To Pause Ex-Aide's Retaliation Suit

    A lawsuit brought against former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his top aides by a onetime assistant who accused the former executive of sexual harassment will not be stalled while Cuomo's motions to have the suit tossed are weighed, according to an order issued by a federal judge Wednesday.

  3. November 21, 2022

    Cuomo Denies Retaliating Against Ex-Aide Behind Suit

    Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is fighting claims that he placed a former aide in a "do nothing" job in retaliation for her rejecting his sexual advances, arguing that she voluntarily requested the job transfer.

  4. September 14, 2022

    Former Gov. Cuomo Hit With Sexual Harassment Suit

    A former aide whose sexual harassment allegations against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo helped lead to his resignation sued him in Manhattan federal court Wednesday, saying he subjected her to sexual innuendo and said a pair of shorts made her look like TV icon Daisy Duke.