Arizona, State of et al v. Walsh, et al

  1. February 08, 2023

    5 AGs To Take Contractor Wage Bump Challenge To 9th Circ.

    Republican attorneys general from five states plan on asking the Ninth Circuit to flip an Arizona federal judge's ruling that President Joe Biden had the authority to raise the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 an hour.

  2. January 27, 2023

    Contractors Nervously Await 10th Circ. Wage Rule Decision

    One year after the implementation of a U.S. Department of Labor rule raising the hourly minimum wage for federal contract workers to $15, employers have had to adjust to the change, even as part of the regulation is on hold pending a Tenth Circuit ruling. Here, Law360 explores the status of the rule a year later.

  3. January 24, 2023

    Biden Wage Rules Meet A Suspicious Judiciary

    Recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings reining in federal agencies that overstep their mandate from Congress are likely to be the anchor of legal challenges to recent Wage and Hour Division rules, former agency officials told Law360.

  4. January 09, 2023

    Biden Admin. Beats Challenge To Contractor Wage Hike

    The U.S. Department of Labor defeated a lawsuit brought by five states challenging a rule raising the minimum wage for federal contractors, with an Arizona federal judge finding President Joe Biden had the authority to implement the increase.

  5. May 09, 2022

    Labor Groups Rally To Defend Biden's Contractor Wage Hike

    A group of labor organizations and unions urged two federal judges to toss a pair of lawsuits challenging President Joe Biden's executive order raising the minimum wage for federal contractors, saying the president has the power to mandate the wage hike under federal procurement law.

  6. May 05, 2022

    Dem States Say Biden's Contractor Wage Hike Is Justified

    The Democratic attorneys general of 20 states and the District of Columbia voiced opposition to a lawsuit filed by five of their Republican counterparts challenging President Joe Biden's order raising the minimum wage for federal contractors.

  7. April 28, 2022

    Unions, States Ask 10th Circ. To Back Contractor Wage Hike

    A coalition of unions and nonprofits has encouraged the Tenth Circuit to allow enforcement of regulations increasing federal contractors' minimum hourly wage to $15, telling the court a federal judge rightly shot down a group of Colorado outdoor adventure companies' request to block the policy.

  8. April 19, 2022

    5 AGs Try To Halt Federal Contractor Minimum Wage Hike

    Five attorneys general urged an Arizona federal judge to halt a rule mandating a raise in the minimum wage for federal contractors to $15 an hour, saying President Joe Biden couldn't impose a blanket wage increase nationwide.