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Access to Justice
Law360 is on a mission to shed light on how the rule of law can shape communities and explore important, and often overlooked, issues that impact the ability of individuals to navigate a complex legal system. We are proud to announce our Access to Justice newsletter, which will deliver stories to all readers, free of charge, on trends affecting the justice gap, pro bono programs and difference makers helping citizens with the fewest resources gain access to the courts.
Latest News in Access to Justice
January 21, 2025
Trump Installs New Prisons Chief, Revives Private Facilities
President Donald Trump made sweeping changes to the criminal justice system in his first hours in office, including replacing the Federal Bureau of Prisons director brought in under the Biden administration and ending former President Joe Biden's plan to phase out privately run federal prisons.
January 21, 2025
Justices Order Review Of Sex-Shaming Murder Conviction
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday revived claims from a woman on death row in Oklahoma that prosecutors unfairly sex-shamed her and relied on gender-based stereotypes to convince a jury that she had killed her estranged husband for insurance money.
January 17, 2025
Justices Take Up Inmate's Case Over Tardy Appeal Notice
The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to hear a case regarding the proper procedure for appealing a suit after the initial window for filing a notice closes and then is reopened, an issue largely affecting pro se litigants.
January 17, 2025
Justices To Weigh Repeat Federal Prisoner Appeals
The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Friday to hear a Florida man's challenge to his 24-year bank robbery sentence, a case that aims to resolve a circuit split over whether federal prisoners can file multiple motions to vacate their convictions.
January 14, 2025
Ga. Cop Denies Involvement In False Murder Conviction
A Georgia police chief accused of conspiring to falsely accuse a man of murder after a Russian roulette accident more than 25 years ago has asked a federal judge to let him out of the man's civil rights suit, arguing that he "played no substantive role" in the allegedly crooked investigation.
Areas of Coverage
- Legal aid programs and funding
- Right to counsel
- Pro se rights
- Sentencing and bail reform
- Pro bono efforts
- Judicial backlogs and shortages
- Technology that improves access to justice
- Crime victims’ access to justice